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Grindset Vs. Healthy Mindset

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First and foremost, this will never become a blog dedicated to "improving" yourself "everyday." I will never be that creator who gleefully talks about "Grindset" because I genuinely believe that locks people into unhealthy mental habits. If you are constantly trying to improve everything about yourself, when do you take time to appreciate yourself, your friends, and your family? You don't. Because none of it is ever good enough or finished. When the goal is blind improvement, you willl never be good enough for yourself. I find that kind of sad.

That all being said, I'm a fan of the "learn something new everyday" mindset. I'm a fan of creating good, sustainable habits. I'm a huge fan of loving and appreciating yourself no matter what stage you're in when it comes to creating those habits as well. Getting to this point was not easy. I am was someone who struggled when the gratification wasn't instantaneous or when I wasn't getting outside validation. Then I found out the fun little cocktail of atypicalness nestled in my brain was contributing to that problem... let's not say problem, let's say perception.

So, I started asking myself some very specific questions when it came to my goals to help right my perception of "improvement." In addition to that, to stay motivated, I build in benchmarks where I can reward myself. Learning to validate your own journey is a journey in and of itself. Grindset vs Healthy Mindset, let's talk about the questions!

Did I start the thing I said I'd start?

If yes, great! Starting is often the hardest part of doing anything. Starting a novel. Starting a workout regiment. Starting to stretch every morning before work. Starting to meditate before bed. Starting something new means an interruption of the old status quo and that is jarring for a lot of people.

If no, lets see whats keeping that from happening. Again, starting something new is AN INTERRUPTION. It is a thing that will take time from something else. Depending on what you're trying to start, it could completely take over another habit that you've had for many years and that can be a bit scary to realize. If you plan to be in the gym for an hour a day, it goes without saying that an hour will be taken from you doing something else.

Did I do better than yesterday?

If yes, great! Obviously some habits are measured easier than others. For example, measuring the progress of a manuscript is a lot easier to measure than building and measuring the effectiveness of a gym habit. Then again, the criteria for improvement is entirely up to you and your goals.

What is my timeline?

This is so important to the whole overall process because I can finish a manuscript in a month or five years. "Finish" is too vague. Sit yourself down and make a solid timeline with a clear beginning and end. Going back to the gym example, you can say you'll give yourself three months to build the habit and you'll do a big weigh in/body comp check at the end.

This timeline should be realistic. If you have obligations like a job or children or you know you'll be traveling to far away places for a bit, then factor all of that in. A common goal people have is "losing weight." Now, that is all well and good, but can you drop fifty pounds in a week in a healthy manner? No. So, don't even put that thought in your head. Can I write a 80k manuscript in a week? Not when I have a full time job and a social life, no. Timelines, in order to be effective and beneficial to you, need to be realistic.

Most importantly, how will this habit or task help me in my daily life and in the future?

This question is meant to force you to sit down and ask why you want to do something. Is it for you or someone else's satisfaction? Are you going to be happy with the outcome of this? Hopefully you have already ask this question before starting but, the hustle and bustle of life can lead us all down strange paths. If at any point you feel like the process or goal is harming you, stop. It is 100% okay to pause to reformat and adjust.

I hope that this blog post give you permission to tackle whatever you want to accomplish in an effective and realistic manner. Reach your goals! I believe in you!

Grindset will never be my mindset


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